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Menstrual Hygiene Management


This project aims to promote health and good menstrual hygiene management among young girls and women through education, the production and distribution of reusable sanitary pads. These pads, which last 3-5 years, can be worn with or without underwear and come in three sizes: large, medium, and small.

We utilize a multi-faceted approach to advance menstrual health: community sensitization through roadshows and radio broadcasts, payment plans for VSLA members who wish to purchase Agateka pads, and free distribution drives of pads in schools and to vulnerable groups, such as those in hospitals and refugee camps. So far, the project has impacted girls and women in Bujumbura, Cibitoke, Gitega, Karusi, Kirundo, Makamba, Muyinga, Ngozi, and Ruyigi.



women in Burundi have purchased and used Agateka reusable sanitary pads.


schoolgirls in Burundi have received free Agateka reusable pads, to use for 3-5 years.

Hinduka uhindure abandi*

This project aims to enhance knowledge about sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR). We educate, raise awareness, and inform the population to improve their SRH and provide SRH services at the Gatumba Health Centre.  Our approaches include mass education via an SMS platform with a toll-free number, allowing users to receive messages directly on their mobile phones and ask questions privately. The youth receive messages based on “The World starts with me” module from the Ministry of Education, while adults receive content from the “Community Health Worker's Handbook” by the Directorate of Health Promotion. We also produce educational videos and organize roadshows specifically tailored to illiterate populations.

*Change and help others change


youth and women have been reached by our toll-free mobile SMS education project.


women have adhered to modern contraceptive methods of their choice.


This project aims to enhance communication between parents and children, encouraging youth to rely on their parents for accurate information regarding SRH. We hope to reduce the spread of misinformation among peers and improve parent-child communication on SRH, helping to reduce unwanted pregnancies and STIs. The beneficiaries of the project are student peer educators and their parents in Karusi and Ngozi.



young peer-educators have been trained on how to communicate with parents about SRH.


parents have been trained on how to communicate with the youth about SRH.

Ishure ry'inyenyeri*

This project aims to improve hygiene, health, and SRH education in schools. Inspired by UNICEF’s and GIZ's  "three-star school" approach, we promote a shift in perceptions and practices, urging schools to evolve from zero-star to three-star status by focusing on hygiene. We train and equip school guardians, establish school clubs through which we educate and raise awareness, and assess the schools’ needs for water and sanitation facilities, which are addressed through the Isuku project. We operate in all regions where we have community centres and in partnership with the Ministry of Education, and the Ministry of Public Health and fight against AIDS.

*The school of stars


young girls and boys are members of Inyenyeri school clubs.


school educators have been trained on the Three-Star-School approach.


This project aims to improve hygiene, access to water, and sanitation in communities by facilitating the building and rehabilitation of WASH facilities. Beneficiaries include families of members of our VSLAs and some schools enrolled in the Ishure ry’inyenyeri project. The project operates in Bujumbura Rural, Cibitoke, Gitega, Karusi, Ngozi, Kirundo, Muyinga, Ruyigi, and Makamba.



schools now have access to clean water and MHM-friendly sanitation.


displaced households now have access to clean water and MHM-friendly sanitation.


This project focuses on promoting the financial independence of women and youth by teaching them financial literacy, and entrepreneurship, promoting the creation of VSLAs, and supporting income-generating activities. Women who are members of VSLAs also have access to self-directed payment plans when they wish to purchase Agateka reusable sanitary pads. We operate in Bujumbura, Gatumba, Cibitoke, Gitega, Karusi, Ngozi, Kirundo, Muyinga, Ruyigi, and Makamba.



VSLAs have been created.


income-generating activities started by members of VSLAs.

OKY Burundi

Oky is the world’s first period-tracker app created by UNICEF for girls and with girls. It provides information about menstruation in fun, creative and positive ways, straight into girls’ hands through the tools they use every day – mobile phones. As OKY's main implementation partner in Burundi, we collaborated with multiple stakeholders including government Ministries, educators and Burundian girls to translate the app to Kirundi and adapt the user experience and content to local contexts.  The app is available for download on Google Play and the Apple App Store.


girls with different backgrounds and abilities participated in the co-creation of the Kirundi version of the app.


Burundian girls currently use the app as their main period tracker.

Histoires d'impact

Comfort in change: Victoire's postpartum experience with Agateka pads
Victoire celebrates the comfort and hygiene Agateka pads brought her after childbirth, a stark contrast to her past experiences.

17 Apr 2024

A fresh start: Faustine's journey to better menstrual health with Agateka
Faustine finds relief and hygiene with Agateka pads, transforming her menstrual experience and saving money.

17 Apr 2024

Illuminating the dark: Francine's journey with Oky Burundi.
Girls with visual impairments now have the support they need to manage their menstrual health independently and with dignity.

17 Apr 2024

More than 80% of Burundian women cannot afford menstrual pads every month. And in 2016, a UNICEF study found that 70.2% of female students do not attend school during their menstrual periods. The lack of adequate and hygienic menstrual hygiene management (MHM) tools, facilities and education severely impacts women in Burundi, including girls’ education. Addressing MHM is not only a health matter but also an educational and women's rights issue.

Our MHM activities aim to ensure that women and girls have access to proper MHM through education, awareness, adequate infrastructure and resources. It seeks to promote dignity, health, and educational continuity for girls in schools. Approaches include producing and distributing Agateka reusable sanitary pads, and providing MHM training and counselling to communities.

Below are projects that aim to achieve some or all of our Menstrual Hygiene Management objectives.

Ensemble, nous pouvons améliorer la vie des Burundais.

Partout au Burundi, nos programmes permettent aux communautés de vivre une vie saine et d’améliorer leurs conditions de vie.

  • Improve access to sanitary products for women and girls.

  • Educate communities on menstrual hygiene management.

  • Reduce stigma and taboos associated with menstruation.

  • Promote gender equality by ensuring girls can continue their education during menstruation.

Partenaires actuels du programme

Autres programmes

Economic Empowerment

Food Security & Nutrition

Gatumba Health Centre

Sexual & Reproductive Health

Water, Sanitation & Hygiene

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